Trivial Pursuits

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Just One More

Ok ok...TWO more. But I think singing in Carnegie Hall warrants a post...

A little dazed and confused.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Graduation Funness

Despite the fact that dinner at the Waldorf last Saturday turned out to be such a bust, Leah and I still Looked great! Especially since that dress was bought one hour before our scheduled departure, with Leah and I running door to door through department stores.

Apparently we still live for last minute shopping.

Outside before the Senior Awards Ceremony. Five Girls. Five Cameras. Thank goodness for Annie and her ever-patient boyfr .... err... husband.

Minutes before the ceremony. Thank you Pia for fixing that stubborn hat.

My future prescriber of Viagra. It pays to have a friend in urology.

Kathy and I finally taking pictures that do not involve a webcam and a background of the office walls.

mmmmm MD sounds pretty damn cool... Yes it does.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My GOD is apartment hunting a bitch. Someone just give me a cardboard box with heating already. I already know I'm going to be living at the hospital for most of my days. Well, this too shall pass. And we hope soon, because I am at the verge of a nervous breakdown.